Author: Herr We
Der Kreis der Magie – Ardeen Band 1

Es ist eine Pentalogie. Vier Worte, die nach einem stilistisch schlechten Anfang anmuten, ich muss sie aber vorausschicken, denn ich könnte in Unkenntnis der folgenden vier Bände der Autorin an der einen oder anderen Stelle Unrecht tun. Was ich heute schreibe, ist eine Momentaufnahme. Alles mag sich ändern, lese ich…
Armageddon Rag
Otherland – City of Golden Shadows
Good things need their time. This is true even for a good book. To really get the book and its story you should take enough time. It doesn’t matter, if it take three months to read that book. Additional reading English books doesn’t work as fluently as books in my…
As a great fan of comic books (especially of DC Comics) there has been one “must see” for me: Aquaman I believe, that there are too many comic book-based films in cinema around the last few years. I do not count Christopher Nolans Dark Knight trilogy. Based on comic books…
Another year’s over
It’s done. Another year is over. Again. Time to look back at… No, it’s too common to look back. Everybody looks back at the past but the past is past. It’s over. That’s why it is called past. What was cannot be changed. But the future can probably be changed….
Bohemian Rhapsody
It was Novembre 1991. I had late shift and watched a little TV before I got to work. Breaking news: Freddie Mercury is dead. I nodded to the news. Who is that Freddie Mercury? Ah, the singer of Queen. Had heard about them. Then I somehow started to listen to…